London, Sotheby Parke Bernet, April 8, 1981, lot 189: “BONAVENTURE DE BAR . . . FÊTES CHAMPÊTRES / A pair, oval / Each 35 1/2in by 28in. 90cm by 71cm (One Illustrated) (2).”
Laurent Cars after Watteau, Fêtes vénetiennes, 1732, engraving.
Despite being assigned to Bonaventure de Bar (1700-1729), one of Watteau’s satellites, this picture is just an anonymous copy after Laurent Cars’ engraving of Watteau’s Fêtes vénitiennes. It is a relatively faithful copy of its model except, of course, it has been converted to an oval format and it omits the young man and girl in the lower left corner of the engraved composition.
Anonymous artist after Lancret, The Dance, oil on canvas, 90 x 71 cm. Whereabouts unknown.
Jacques Nicolas Tardieu after Lancret, L’Automne, 1752, engraving.
Additional damning evidence comes from the pendant picture, also attributed to De Bar. His name is equally untenable here. In this instance the painting is a copy after Tardieu’s engraving of Lancret’s L’Automne. Here too, the rectangular format of Lancret’s composition has been changed to an oval, and the man seated in the left foreground, a dog, and some curved steps are missing, to accommodate the change in shape. But otherwise the picture is relatively faithful to the engraving. Since the engraving was executed in 1752, this precludes any possibility that the copy could have been executed by De Bar, who had died two decades earlier.
It was a clever idea to pair these two compositions together. Each features a dancing couple set against a company of seated men and women engaged in conversation and amorous pursuits. But the fact that the two paintings are merely copies after engravings reproducing pictures by two different masters is strong evidence that the pictures are just commercial works by an otherwise anonymous copyist.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 2)
Entered January 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
42 x 36 cm
Germany, private collection.
Berlin, sale, Auctionata, April 10, 2014, lot 18: “Jean -Antoine Watteau - after, ‘Fêtes Vénitiennes‘, Oil on canvas / Presumably France, circa 1900 / After Jean-Antoine Watteau (1684 -1721) - French Rococo painter Copy after Watteau‘s original composition in the National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh (1718 /19) / Gilded stucco frame / Overall dimensions, with frame: 51 x 45 cm / Good condition / Provenance: German private collection” Bought in.
Berlin, sale, Auctionata, August 28, 2014, lot 5: “Jean-Antoine Watteau – after, ‘Fêtes Vénitiennes’, circa 1900 / Estimation: 1 120€ / 1 400€ / Oil on canvas / Presumably France, circa 1900 / After Jean-Antoine Watteau (1684-1721) – French Rococo painter / Copy after Watteau’s original composition in the National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh (1718/19) / Gilded stucco frame / Overall dimensions, with frame: 51 x 45 cm / Good condition / Provenance: German private collection / Watteau was a master of gallant scenes, which were widely spread through his prints. The present work derives from the painting ‘Fêtes Vénitiennes’ (1718/19) of the French Rococo painter Jean-Antoine Watteau (1684-1721), now in the National Gallery of Scotland in Edinburgh. The artist has painted the present version after a print of 1732. . . .“
As has rightly been observed, this picture is based on Laurent Cars’ engraving after Watteau’s composition. This is demonstrated by the reverse direction of the composition. But the copyist eliminated the elaborate fountain and much of the forest landscape, converting Watteau’s vertical scene into a frieze.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 3)
Entered January 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Material unknown
14 x 15.6 cm
Netherlands(?), private collection, c. 1950
Although cast in the same direction as Watteau’s composition, this poorly painted picture can only be a copy. A photograph of it on file in the Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Dokumentatie bears the notation “Lysen.” Is this the name of the collection owning the painting?
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 4)
Entered January 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
48 x 75 cm
Társaság a szabadban (Company at Leisure)
Budapest, collection of Andrassy Kastelyok. His sale, Budapest, n.d., lot 62: Nicolas Lancret (in the manner of).
Despite the attempted attribution to Nicolas Lancret, this picture is nothing more than a gauche rendering of the figurative portion of Cars’ engraving after Watteau’s composition, omitting the arboreal upper half and the fountain.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 5)
Entered January 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on panel
17.8 x 28 cm
Paris, with Victor Alvin-Beaumont, c. 1930-50.
Adhémar, Watteau (1950), under cat. 197.
A photograph of this painting is on file at the Witt Library, London. Adhémar considered this picture to be a highly finished study or replica of Watteau’s Fêtes vénitiennes. However, Watteau did not paint preliminary studies for his paintings. Moreover, since the turbaned dancer corresponds to the final state of the figure and not to the first stage, where he was younger and faced outward, this picture can only be understood as a copy after Watteau’s finished painting. Much of Alvin-Beaumont’s stock seems to have been replicas or works of dubious quality.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 6)
Entered January 2023; revised February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
41 x 35 cm
Berlin, collection of Fritz Gerstel. His sale, Munich, Helbing, March 2, 1909, lot 77: “François Watteau . . . Parkszene. In einer Parklandschait Damen und Herren sich vergnügend. Im Vordergrund stellt sich ein Paar zum Menuett bereit. Siehe Abbildung. Leinwand. Höhe 41 cm, Breite 35 cm. Goldrahmen.”
Paris, sale, Hôtel Drouot (Tessier & Sarrou), June 26, 2015, lot 19: “Ecole FRANÇAISE du XVIIIeme siècle, suiveur d’Antoine WATTEAU / Fêtes venitiennes Toile. 41,5 x 35,5 cm. Accidents et restaurations. Reprise de la gravure d’après la toile (56 x 46 cm) de Watteau conservée à la National Gallery of Scotland d’Edimbourgh (voir E. Camesasca. Tout l’oeuvre peint d’Antoine Watteau. Paris, 1970. no 180 reproduit).” Estimated at € 600-800; sold for €2,000.
Anonymous after Laurent Cars after Watteau, Fêtes vénetiennes, as it appeared in the Fritz Gerstel collection in 1909.
Despite the attribution to the painter François Watteau (1758-1832), a.k.a. “Watteau de Lille,” the picture is nothing more than a faithful but anonymous copy after Laurent Cars’ engraving of Fêtes vénitiennes.As seen today, the painting is far more rubbed and less solid than it was when it appeared for sale in 1909.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 7)
Entered January 2023; revised February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
71 x 57 cm
Festa campestre
Venice, sale, Semenzato, April 5, 1989, lot 35: ”JACQUES DE LAJOUE . . . a) L’altalena in giardino. b) La maschere della comedia dell’arte, due oli su tela, cm. 72,5x58 (ciascuno).”
Rome, sale, Finarte, November 23, 1993, lot 69: “Jacques de Lajoue . . . a) L’altena b) Festa campestre / coppia di olio su tela, cm 71 x 57 / valutazione: L. 22.000 / 25.000”.
Despite the attribution of this painting to Jacques de Lajoue (1687-1761), the picture is wholly unrelated to that artist’s architectural caprices. This picture is nothing more than an anonymous copy after Laurent Cars’ engraving of Fêtes vénitiennes. While the copyist kept the urn at the top of the fountain, he omitted all its other features, including the statue of the beguiling nymph.
The painting was accompanied by a pendant showing a fête galante with a woman on a swing. Although not pictured, it was undoubtedly a copy after a composition by Watteau or a satellite such as Jean-Baptiste Pater or Nicolas Lancret. A similar but smaller pairing of a copy of Fêtes vénitiennes with a copy of Watteau’s L’Escarpolette appeared on the Paris auction market in 1993; see copies 11 and 34.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 8)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
46 x 38 cm
Paris, sale, Ars longa, 2022, reference 1044231: “The Venetian Festivals After Watteau Oil Painting End XVIII Louis XVI Style Frame Galante Party / Price: 1800 € / Artist: D’après Watteau / Period: 18th century / Style: Louis 16th, Directory / Condition: Good condition / Material: Oil painting Length: 46 Width: 38. . . . ”
As indicated by the reversed direction, this picture was based on the Laurent Cars engraving.
Fêtes venitiennes (copy 9)
Entered January 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
56.3 x 52.9 cm
An Elegant Company in a Wooded Landscape
Amsterdam, sale, Sotheby’s, April 7, 2009, lot 64: "CIRCLE OF PHILLIP MERCIER / AN ELEGANT COMPANY IN A WOODED LANDSCAPE NEAR AN ELABORATELY SCULPTED FOUNTAIN / oil on canvas / 56.3 by 52.9 cm / €4.000 -6.000.” Sold for €4,375 with premium.
Despite the attribution to Watteau’s English follower, Philippe Mercier (1689-1760), the picture is only a copy after Laurent Cars’ engraving after Watteau’s Fêtes vénitiennes. It is a slightly reduced version, omitting many of the secondary figures in the background as well as some in the left foreground of the engraving. Also the copyist has reduced the vertical thrust of Watteau’s composition by decreasing the extent of the foreground and omitting some of the foliage in the upper portion of the picture.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 10)
Entered January 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
73 x 63 cm
Haslemere, Surrey, sale, John Nicholson Auctioneers, February 25, 2015, lot 167: "After Jean Antoine Watteau . . . French. 'Fêtes Venitiennes', Elegant Figures, Oil on Canvas, Circa 1820, 73 cm x 63 cm." "Est. £8,000 - £12,000." Sold for £9,000.
This picture’s left-right orientation indicates that it was copied not from Watteau’s painting but from Laurent Cars’ engraving. Although a relatively faithful copy, it omits several of the secondary figures.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 11)
Entered January 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
53 x 46 cm
Scène galante
Paris, sale, Hôtel Drouot, June 7, 1993, lot 27: “ECOLE FRANÇAISE. Seconde partie du XVIIIe siècle . . . Scènes galantes. Deux toiles formant pendants. (Usures). 53 x 46 cm Voir les reproductions.”
This picture is based on Laurent Cars’ engraving after Watteau’s Fêtes vénitiennes.
Unidentified artist after François Joullain, Les Agréments de l’été, oil on canvas, 53 x 46 cm. Whereabouts unknown.
The painting’s pendant is a copy of François Joullain’s engraving after Watteau’s Les Agréments de l’été. Another such pair of pictures based on these same two engravings was sold in Rome in 1993; see copied 7 and 34.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 12)
Entered January 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
46.5 x 32.5 cm
Une Danse
Paris, sale, Hôtel Drouot (Massol), July 5, 2006, lot 65: “École FRANÇAISE du XIXE siècle, d’après Antoine WATTEAU . . . Fêtes vénitiennes dit une danse. Toile. 46,5 x 33.5 cm. 3 000/3 500€ / Reprise avec varantes du tableau conservé à la National Gallery of Scotland, à Edimbourg (voir E. Camesasca, Tout l’oeuvre peint de Watteau, Paris, 1970, no 180, reproduit).” Sold for € 2,000.
This copy was based on Watteau’s painting and not the Laurent Cars engraving. It follows not only the original direction of Watteau’s composition but also the choice of colors.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 13)
Entered January 2023; revised February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
116.2 x 89 cm
Fête champêtre
London, sale, Sotheby’s Olympia, December 5, 2006, lot 495: “A*** J*** GARNIER ACTIVE DURING THE 19TH CENTURY(AFTER NICOLAS LANCRET) / A FÊTE CHAMPÊTRE / signed lower right: JA (incompendium) GARNIER / oil on canvas / 116.5 by 89 cm.; 46 by 35 1/4 in. A 19th century original after a lost original by Lancret. ESTIMATION 3,000-5,000 GBP”
London, South Kensington, sale, Christie’s, April 25, 2007, lot 210: “After Jean-Antoine Watteau / Fête Venitiennes / oil on canvas / 45 ¾ x 35 in. (116.2 x 89 cm.) / After the picture of 1715, in the National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh / estimate: GBP 2,000 -GBP 3,000 (USD 4,010 – USD 6,015).” Sold for £ 3,840 ($7,699).
As shown by its reversed composition, this picture is based on Laurent Cars’ engraving after Watteau’s painting. It is exceptionally large.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 14)
Entered January 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on metal
36 x 29.2 cm
London, sale, Bonhams, January 13, 2009, lot 26: “Manner of Jean Antoine Watteau / Fêtes Venitiennes; Fête galante, a pair, processed pictures, oil on metal, oval / each 36.6 x 29.2 cm (14 7/16 x 11 1/2 in.) (2).” Sold for £1,320 (US 1,614) inc. premium.
Although converted to an oval format, the picture is otherwise essentially true to Watteau’s composition. However, the execution of this picture is extremely poor.
Anonymous, Fête galante, 36.6 x 29.2 cm, oil on metal.
The picture was paired with a pendant that also was claimed to be in the manner of Watteau and was supposed to be a fête galante. Neither seems correct.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 15)
Entered January 2023; revised March 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
59.9 x 95 cm
Galante Gesellschaft im Park
Munich, sale, Hampel, September 17, 2015, lot 365: “Französische Maler in der Stilnachfolge von Watteau / GALANTE GESELLSCHAFT IM PARK / Öl auf Leinwand / 59,5 x 95 cm / Estimate: €2.500 – 3.000 / Ein Herr und eine in Seide gekeidete Dame beim Eröffnen eines Tanzchens im Beisen mehrerer Personen. Im Hintergrund ein junger Herr, der soeben eine Dame zum Tanz aufzuordern scheint. Die Szene von Baumen hinterfangen mit seitlichem Blick in diesige Baumlandschaft. Das Gemälde folgt einer Ausführung des berühmten Gemäldes von Jean Antoine Watteau ,,Galante Szene”, das sich in der Nationalgalerie Schottland, Edinburgh befindet. (790458)” Estimate. €2500-3500. Bought in.
Berlin, sale, Leo Spik, March 23, 2023, lot 209: "Watteau, Jean-Antoine . . . , Kopie nach . . . Les Fêtes Vénitiennes Fragment vom Original aus dem Jahr 1719, heute in The National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh. Lwd. (doubl.) 59×96 cm. R. (60218)." Est. €1,800-€2,160.
This picture is only a partial copy of Watteau’s Fêtes vénitiennes. It omits the almost ten figures at the right, as well as the upper half of the composition with its abundance of trees. Watteau’s vertical composition has been converted to a frieze—a change found in many of the other versions of Fêtes vénitiennes.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 16)
Entered January 2023; revised February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on panel
38 x 30 cm
Amsterdam, sale, Catawiki, July 19, 2017: "Follower of Jean Antoine Watteau (19th century) - After Les Fetes Venitiennes Oil on tin panel - unsigned Oil on panel 19th century Original Overall in fairly good condition . . . a superb finely painted 19th century oil on tin panel by a follower of Jean Antoine Watteau . . . It is titled Fetes Venitiennes. This is one of a pair. The other painting ends close to this auction. The metal panel measures 38 x 30 cm. The frame measures 53 x 45 cm."
While based on Watteau’s original composition and not Laurent Cars’ engraving, there are changes such as the omission of the fountain nymph and a different arrangement of the trees. The quality of execution is very poor.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 17)
Entered January 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Medium unknown
42.5 x 36.5 cm
Paris, sale, Hôtel Drouot (Calmels-Cohen), December 6, 2006: "École française du XIXe d'après Antoine WATTEAU :« Fêtes vénitiennes, une danse », hst, 42,5 x 36,5 cm."
As shown by its reversed composition, this picture is based on the Laurent Cars engraving after Watteau’s painting.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 18)
Entered January 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Medium unknown
Measurements unknown
Danse Venitienne
London, sale, Forster, January 24, 1866, lot 87: “WATTEAU . . . The Danse Venitienne”
The sale catalogue proclaims “Recently imported from Paris,” but it is not clear whether this pertains to all of the paintings in the sale or just those by “modern masters.” Without an image or the dimensions of the work, one cannot hazard a guess as to whether this picture corresponds to any of the many copies known today.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 19)
Entered January 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Medium unknown
Measurements unknown
La Fête Venetienne
London(?), collection of Joshua Hargrave Sams Mann (1826-1886; artist). His sale, London, Christie’s, May 7, 1886, lot 110: “LA FÊTE VENETIENNE, after Watteau, at Edinburgh.” Sold for £10 to Parsons.
Without an image and not knowing the dimensions of the work, one cannot hazard a guess as to whether Mann’s picture corresponds to any of the many copies known today.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 20)
Entered January 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas (presumed)
40.6 x 34.3 cm
La Fête Venetienne
London, sale, Christie’s, March 28, 1908, lot 105: “WATTEAU . . . LA FÊTE VENETIENNE / 16 in. by 13 ½ in.” According to an annotated copy of the sale catalogue in the National Art Library, London, the painting sold for £50.8 to Schroeder.
It has not been possible to link this picture with any of the many copies known today.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 21)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Medium unknown
Measurements unknown
Paris, collection of Baron de C. His sale, Paris, March 17, 1856, lot 16: ”WATTEAU (ANTOINE) . . . La Fête vénitienne.”
Too little is known about the painting—there is no image or description, no measurements—so that nothing conclusive can be said about it. It cannot have been the original Watteau painting now in Edinburgh because that painting was already in Lord Henderland’s collection by 1854.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 22)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Medium unknown
Measurements unknown
London, Matson collection. His sale, London, Forster, April 24, 1861, lot 109: “Wateau . . . Une Fête Vénitienne,” Sold for £30.30 to Fauconnier according to an annotated copy of the sale catalogue in the National Art Library, Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
Too little is known about the painting—there is no image or description, no measurements—so that nothing conclusive can be said about it.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 23)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Medium unknown
Measurements unknown
Paris, private collection. Sale, Paris, Hôtel Drouot (Febvre / Pillet), May 4, 1868, lot 47: “WATTEAU, Antoine (d’après). . . . Composition connue sous le titre de la Fête vénitienne.”
Too little is known about the painting—there is no image or description, no measurements—so that nothing conclusive can be said about it.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 24)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Medium unknown
125 x 113 cm
Paris, collection Mme. L. H. Robiot. Her sale and others, Paris, Hôtel Drouot (Lair-Dubreuil et Albinet), March 13, 1914, lot 49: “WATTEAU (D’après ANTOINE) . . . La Fête vénitienne. Toile. Haut. 1 m.25 cent.; larg. 1 m. 13 cent.” Sold for 750 francs. Bought by José de Artèche according to an annotated copy of the sale catalogue in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris.
Without an image of the work, little can be said about it.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 25)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
68 x 52 cm
Das venezianische Fest
Berlin, collection Freiherr von Sturm. His sale, Berlin, Rudolf Lepke, March 14, 1922, lot 138: ”Nach WATTEAU. . . Das venezianische Fest. Sehr schöne, alte Kopie. Lwd. H. 68 cm, Br. 52 cm. G.-R.”
Without an image of the work, little can be said about it.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 26)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on panel
27.5 x 22.2 cm
Fête champêtre
Vienna, sale, Weinmüller, December 8-10, 1938, lot 120: “NACH ANTOINE WATTEAU (Norbert Grund?). Figur aus der Commedia dell’arte, gegenseitige Kopie einer Figur aus: ‘Fête champêtre’ in der Nationalgalerie zu Edinburgh. Öl. Holz. H. 27.5, B. 22.2 cm. 70 [marks].”
This was apparently a study after only a single figure in Watteau’s composition.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 27)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
55 x 52 cm
Paris, Tudor-Wilkinson collection. Paris, sale, Hôtel Drouot, July 3-4, 1969, lot 88: “WATTEAU (d’après Jean-Antoine) . . . Fête vénitienne. Toile. (importantes restaurations). Haut., 0m 550; Larg., 0m 520. La composition originale, en sens inverse, est conservée au Musée d’Édimbourg.”
This picture evidently was based on the Laurent Cars engraving after Watteau’s painting since it is listed as being in the opposite sense. Also, since it was almost square in format, it evidently omitted the upper half of Watteau’s composition.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 28)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas, laid on board
91.5 x 73.5 cm
Fête champêtre
New York, sale, Sotheby Parke Bernet, July 7, 1981, lot 117: “MANNER OF NICOLAS LANCRET, FÊTE CHAMPÊTRE / Oval, oil on canvas, laid down on board / 36 x 29 inches / 91.5 x 73.5 cm.”
Although based on Watteau’s painting and not the Cars engraving, the copyist has taken considerable liberties. Not only has the composition been changed into an oval but also some of the secondary figures were eliminated.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 29)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
90 x 76.2 cm
A Fête Champêtre
London, sale, Christie’s, March 9, 1962, lot 29: sold for 55 guineas. @FARL, not at Watson or V&A
London, sale, Christie’s, May 10, 1963, lot 70: “WATTEAU . . . A FÊTE CHAMPÊTRE—34in. by 27½in.” Sold for 90 guineas ($264) to Tapano according to the auction house’s official price list.
London, sale, Christie’s South Kensington, July 7, 1999, lot 175: “AFTER ANTOINE WATTEAU / A Fête Champêtre / oil on canvas / 35½ x 30 in. (90 x 76.2 cm.) PROVENANCE: Anon. Sale, Christie's, 9 March 1962, lot 29 (sold 55 gns.). Anon. Sale, Christie's, 10 May 1963, lot 70 (sold 95 gns.). After the picture in the National Gallery of Scotland. £2,500-3,500 €3,800-5,300.” Sold for £2,990.
Although based on Watteau’s painting and not the Cars engraving, the copyist has taken liberties. The arrangement of the trees and clouds has been altered, and a more expansive landscape is now visible behind Vleughels.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 30)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
80.5 x 65 cm
Saint Brieuc (Côtes-d'Armor), sale, Guichard, June 27, 2004: “ANTOINE WATTEAU . . . (d'après) / La Fête vénitienne / Huile sur toile / (haut 80,5 cm - long 65 cm). “
This copy follows the Watteau painting rather than the Cars engraving, but with fewer figures and a reduced landscape and fountain. Although the image in the sale catalogue is poor, the painting’s quality of execution seems meager.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 31)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
64 x 50 cm
Epinal, sale, SVV Marquis, May 22, 2021, lot 77: “Estimation: 300 € / VERON " L'escarpolette", "l'orateur " d'après Watteau / deux HST SBD -64x50 cm.”
Despite the fanciful title that was given, the composition is clearly Les Fêtes venitiennes. On several other occasions, copies after the Edinburgh picture were paired with a copy after Watteau’s L’Escarpolette (see copy
The nineteenth-century painter Alexandre-René Veron (1826-1897) specialized in copies after Watteau. The present copy was reputedly signed by him in the lower right corner.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 32)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
53.3 x 43.2 cm
London, sale, Christie’s, September 17, 2004, lot 189: “After Jean-Antoine Watteau, 20 th century, Les Fêtes venitiennes, oil on canvas, 21 x 17 in (53.3 x 43.2 cm) . . . After the picture of slightly larger dimensions, painted in 1717, in the National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh. “ Sold for £239
The painting follows the direction of Watteau’s original composition, and also its arrangement of colors.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 33)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on panel
44.5 x 39.5 cm
La Danse dans le parc
Paris, sale, Hôtel Drouot (Massol), October 27, 2004, lot 81, “Alexandre VÉRON-BELLECOURT / (Né en 1773) / La danse dans le parc (d'après Patér), Panneau. / 44,5 x 39,5 cm. 2 000/2 500 €”
Despite the sale catalogue’s reference to Pater, this is a copy after Watteau’s Fêtes venitiennes. Alexandre Véron-Bellecourt (1773-1849) and Alexandre-René Véron (1826-1897) specialized in copies after Watteau.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 34)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on oak panel
46 x 37.5 cm
Bordeaux, sale, Hôtel des ventes, November 3, 2022, lot 172: “Antoine WATTEAU . . . d'après - Deux huiles sur panneaux de chêne représentant des scènes galantes. Dimensions: 46x37,5cm (accidents).” “Estimation 50 € - 80 €.”
France, ebay, May 2023: “Tableau Ancien Scène Galante XVIII / Hommes Femmes en costumes dans un Jardin baroque / Portant une signature Watteau (suiveur?)/ Travail fin à restaurer et identifier / Huile sur bois / 46 x 38 cm / Peinture en bon état, ecrasé, vernis jaune , griffures, facile à restaurer / XVIII Old Master .” Price bid: 251,00€
As indicated by the reversed direction, the copy of Fêtes vénitiennes is based on the Laurent Cars engraving.
Anonymous copyist after François Joullain, Les Agréments de l’été, engraving, 1732.
The pendant painting is after Watteau’s Les Agréments de l’été. Here the copyist relied on François Joullain’s engraving after the composition. Interestingly, a number of copies after Watteau’s Les Fêtes venitiennes were paired with copies after Les Agréments de l’été (see copies 7 and 11). It is not clear what this implies about the workshops producing such works.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 35)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
79.7 x 83.5 cm
London, sale, Christie’s, September 14, 2005, lot 222: “After Jean-Antoine Watteau, 20th Century / Les fêtes vénitiennes / oil on canvas / 31 3/8 x 32 7/8 in. (79.7 x 83.5 cm.) After the picture, in reverse, in the National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh. “ Sold for £900.
The reversal of the composition indicates that it was based on Laurent Cars’ engraving after Watteau’s painting. But the copyist also omitted all the forest in the upper half of the original, vertical composition, reducing the copy to a square format.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 36)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on oak panel
215 cm x 16.5 cm
Les Plaisirs du bal
Lyon, Conan Hôtel d’Ainay, July 03, 2019, lot 332: “WATTEAU Jean - Antoine (D'après) 1684 – 1721 / Les plaisirs du bal / Huile sur panneau. Chêne. / H. 21,5 - L. 16,5 cm / Cadre en bois et stuc doré à cannelures et feuilles de chêne dans les coins. Estimation: 100 - 150 €.”
The reversed direction of the composition indicates that it was based not on Watteau’s painting but, rather, the Laurent Cars engraving. The poor quality of this copy is evident.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 37)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on metal
50.8 x 40.6 cm
The Soirée
Haslemere, Surrey, sale, John Nicholson, September 27, 2012, lot 136: “After; Jean-Baptiste Francois Pater . . . French. ‘The Soiree’ Oil on Metal, 20” x 16.” Est. £600 - £800.” Sold for £500.
Despite the proposed idea that this composition is after Pater, it is a copy of Watteau’s Fêtes Vénetiennes and in the same direction as Watteau’s original painting. But this tenebristic rendering is at a far remove from Watteau’s style.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 38)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on metal
20.5 x 16.5 cm
Fete Champetre
Fernhurst (UK), sale, John Nicholson, June 15, 2016, lot 300: “After Jean Antoine Watteau (1684-1721) French. Fete Champetre, Oil on Metal, 20.5” x 16.5.” Est 700-1,000 GBP
The unskilled copyist responsible for this picture has a decidedly primitive style. His rendering of the fountain, for example, betrays his lack of proper academic training.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 39)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
24 x 18 cm (sight, approximate)
Internet, Everything But the House (EBTH), March 05, 2017, Item no. 17STA013-096: “Early 19th Century Oil Painting on Canvas in the manner of Jean-Antoine Watteau / An early nineteenth-century oil painting on canvas in the manner of renowned French Rococo artist Jean-Antoine Watteau (1684-1721). This work features a crowd of elite men and women dressed in Rococo attire, gathered in a retreated romantic setting. A decadent sculptural fountain stands in the right foreground, and the crowd watches a man and woman about to dance together. No signature was found on the work. The painting is presented in an elaborate gold-tone wood frame with a decadent floral relief design. A metal nameplate inscribed with Watteau’s name and life dates is affixed to the front of the frame.
Jean-Antoine Watteau was one of the maximum exponents of the French Rococo style, known for his theater set design and Parisian aristocratic genre oil paintings. Inspired by the style of the Dutch Realists Adriaen Brouwer, David Teniers, and the Flemish Baroque influence of Rubens. He studied under the tutelage of Claude Gillot and Claude Audran III, establishing his distinctive, signature painting style and content for which he became widely recognized. / - canvas has been trimmed and relined; signs of in-painting scattered throughout; some wear to frame including scratches, chips, cracks, stains, and discoloration; canvas needs adjusting in frame. / 34.75" W x 28.5" H x 3.75" D - measurement of frame; visible image measures approximately 24"W x 18"H. “
Although based on Fêtes venitiennes, its source of inspiration is obscured by the many changes introduced by the copyist: Watteau’s garden setting was replaced by an open landscape, and the elaborate fountain replaced by a simple, uninteresting urn and pedestal.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 40)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
33.3 x 27.3 cm
Lausanne, sale, Dogny Auction, June 13, 2017, lot 212: “Jean Antoine Watteau, copie de, ‘Les Fêtes vénitiennes vers 1717-1718’. Huile sur toile, XIXe. 33.3x27.3 cm.” Sold for 1100 CHF.
As shown by the reversal of direction, this picture was based not on Watteau’s painting but, rather, the Laurent Cars engraving. Moreover, the copy has omitted several of Watteau’s figures, the fountain nymph, and much of the many trees.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 41)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
63 x 52 cm
Conversation dans le parc
Soisson (Aisne), collection Mme. G. de B. Her sale, Soisson, Hôtel des ventes de Soisson, February 17, 2018, lot 7: “Ecole du XIXème siècle dans l'entourage d'Alexandre VERON « Conversation dans le parc dans le goût d'Antoine Watteau». Huile sur toile encadrée (63 x 52 cm).” 1,500-2,500 Eur Est
Soisson (Aisne), Enchères Roelens, June 30, 2018, lot 27: “Ecole du XIXème siècle dans l’entourage d’Alexandre Paul Joseph VERON BELLECOURT. «Conversation dans le parc dans le goût dAntoine Watteau». Huile sur toile encadrée (63 x 52 cm) 1,000-1,500 Eur Est “
As shown by its reversed direction, this picture was based on the Laurent Cars engraving rather than the original Watteau canvas. Alexandre Véron-Bellecourt (1773-1849) and Alexandre-René Véron (1826-1897) specialized in copies after Watteau.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 42)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
80 x 60 cm
Paris, sale, Millon, March 16, 2018, lot 63: “Ecole FRANCAISE du XIXème siècle, d’après Antoine WATTEAU Les fêtes vénitiennes / Toile cintrée dans la partie supérieure / 80 x 60 cm / Restaurations / Reprise en sens inverse du tableau de Watteau conservé à la National Gallery d’Edimbourgh.” 1,00-1,500 Eur Est.
The reversed directions of this copy indicate that it was based on the Laurent Cars engraving and not Watteau’s painting.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 43)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
64 x 54 cm
Lyon, sale, de Baeque, June 29, 2018, lot 630: “A. BEAUCOUSIN (XXe siècle) Fêtes vénitiennes, d'après Antoine Watteau Huile sur toile signée en bas à droite H. 64 cm L. 54 cm Accidents.” “Estimation 80€ / 100€.” Sold for 130€.
Lyon, Raphaël Gigot collection, E-bay, July 11, 2018. “Huile sur toile XIX d'après Antoine Watteau signée en bas à droite A. Beaucou / Très belle peinture, finement réalisé, avec beaucoup de détails et de finesses. Très belle couleur, quelques petites restauration a prévoir (voir photo). La scène représente des personnage dans un parc, probablement Venise "Fêtes Vénitiennes". . . Dim env: 64 x 54 cm Emballage soigné.”
The reversed directions of this copy indicate that it was based on the Laurent Cars engraving and not Watteau’s painting.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 44)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on panel (or cardboard?)
60 x 45 cm
Danse champêtre
Allauch (Bouches-du-Rhône), sale, collection of Vincent Vasse, ebay, May 2019, “D'après WATTEAU 18eme danse champêtre / ECOLE FRANCAISE milieu 19EME siècle d'après le maître WATTEAU artiste du 18ème siècle / superbe scène de genre ancienne du 19ème siècle dans l'esprit des oeuvres de Watteau ou de Fragonard / l'ensemble des personnages en costume d'époque , une superbe réalisation sans conteste / à faire réencadrer car le cadre baguette est épouvantable !!!/ néanmoins je le conserve pour le transport / " Danse champêtre avec un personnage orientalisant " huile / panneau de carton fort / LA PEINTURE 60 CM X 45CM CADRE BAGUETTE DU 20EME A CHANGER.”
The reversed directions of this copy indicate that it was based on the Laurent Cars engraving and not Watteau’s painting.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 45)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
45.7 x 32.2 cm
Ville-la-Grande, (Rhone-Alpes), collection of Christophe Lamouille, ebay September 23, 2019 and again on January 1, 2021, “Suiveur de Watteau, ancienne peinture 19eme siècle, Huile sur toile / état correct mais restaurations visible et vernis brillant sur la peinture . a reprendre / dimensions : 45,7 cm par 32,2 cm / vendu en l’état / Époque à déterminer 19e peut-être 18e siècle.” 850 EUR.
As is indicated by the reversed direction of the composition, it was based not on Watteau’s painting but, rather, Laurent Cars’ engraving. It is a very free adaptation, with the figures and landscape rearranged into a horizontal format. When it came up for auction, it was dated to the nineteenth or perhaps the eighteenth century. It seems more likely that it was painted in the nineteenth or perhaps even the twentieth century.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 46)
Entered February 2023; revised March 2024
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
246.4 x 238.8 cm
Comedy Scene
New York, sale, Sotheby’s, April 1, 2010, lot 144: “After Jean Antoine Watteau / Comedy scene / painting on canvas laid on panel / Height 99 in.; Width 96.1 in. / Height 251.5 cm.; Width 244 cm. . . . estimate $12,000 -18,000.” Bought in.
Dallas, sale, Heritage Auctions, September 16, 2020, lot 61193: “French School / Vignette of Jean-Antoine Watteau's 'Les Fêtes Vénitiennes' surrounded by a floral border / Oil on canvas / 97 x 94 inches (246.4 x 238.8 cm). / Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000.”
Austin, Texas, sale, Austin Auction Gallery, March 24, 2024, lot 1446: "PAINTED CANVAS WALL PANEL FETES VENITIENNES AFTER JEAN-ANTOINE WATTEAU, 100" X 96" / Large framed oil on canvas wall panel, "Fetes Venitiennes," after Jean-Antoine Watteau . . . , sight: 97"h, 94.5"w, approx 99"h, 96.25"w, 75lbs. / Estimate $2,000 - $4,000."
This large decorative wall painting has at its center a carefully wrought copy of Laurent Cars’ engraving after Watteau’s Fêtes venitiennes.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 47)
Entered February 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
46 x 38 cm
Scène du bal
Aurillac (Cantal), sale, Goolen, April 14, 2022, lot 329: “D'après Nicolas Lancret : huile sur toile representant une scène de bal dans un parc. H.46 / L.38 cm.” Estimate €199-150.
This copy after Laurent Cars’ engraving of Fêtes venitiennes is a fairly amateurish rendering.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 48)
Entered May 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on oak panel
20.9 x 21.5 cm (each)
Portrait d’homme, portrait de dame
Versailles, sale, Osenat, June 18-19, 2022, lot 36: ECOLE FRANÇ DU XIXE , D’APRÈS WATTEAU / Portrait de Homme, portrait de dame / Paire de panneau de chêne / Hauteur: 20,9 cm / Largeur: 21,5 cm / au dos un n. 89 / 1 800/2 500 €.”
Although not recognized as such, these two figures are copies of the two principal dancers in Fêtes vénitiennes, reversed from Watteau’s canvas but in accord with the Laurent Cars engraving. They are undoubtedly not from the eighteenth century. Rather, they are from the same atelier that executed copy 49.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 49)
Entered May 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on oak panel
27.5 x 20.5 cm
Man in Park
Cologne, sale, Van Ham, May 15, 2023, lot 118: “BONAVENTURE DEBAR - ATTRIBUTED / MAN IN PARK /Technique: Oil on wood / Measurements: 27,5 x 20,5cm. Frame: Framed. Verso: On the panel an old wax seal. Provenance: Private collection, Germany. We are grateful to Jean-Jacques Petit, Paris, who confirmed the attribution of the present painting on the basis of a high-resolution digital photograph.” Estimate 4,000-8,000 €.
Although not recognized as such, this painting is a copy of the male dancer in Fêtes vénitiennes, and is based not on Watteau’s canvas but Laurent Cars’ engraving. Certainly it has nothing to do with Bonaventure de Bar or his circle. It is the work of an anonymous copyist and is undoubtedly not from the eighteenth century. Rather, it is from the same atelier that executed copy 48.
Fêtes vénitiennes (copy 50)
Entered May 2023
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on panel
14 x 23 cm
Samur, France, sale, Samur: Art & Décoration, April 26, 2023: “Watteau. La fête vénitienne, Huile sur panneau. 14 x 23 cm. D’après le tableau de Watteau conservé au musée d’Edimborg.”
This crude rendering of Watteau’s composition is in the same direction as the original canvas, but the execution of the figures and the rendering of the landscape suggest that the artist was not working directly from that source. The picture does not seem to be by a professionally trained artist, and certainly not one of the eighteenth century.