London, sale, Phillip's, March 2, 1990, lot 99: "After ANTOINE WATTEAU / A NYMPH OBSERVED BY A SATYR / Oil on canvas / 68.5 cm. x 90 cm . £600-1,000 / Based on the painting in the Louvre, Paris."
London, Phillip's, April 20, 1993, lot 180: "AfterANTOINE WATTEAU, JUPITER AND ANTIOPE / On canvas / 26½in. x 35¼in. (67.3cm. x 89.5cm.) / £ 2500-3000 / The original composition is in the Musee de Louvre, Paris." Not sold.
London, Phillip's, October 26, 1993, lot 180: After Jean Antoine Watteau, Jupiter and Antiope, Oil on Canvas, Height 26.5 in./ Width 55.2 in. / Height 67.3 cm,: Width 89.5 cm. / . . . Estimate 1,200 – 1,800 GBP (1,772-2,658 USD). Sold for 1,700 DBP (2,511 USD).
Paris, sale, Fauve Paris, February 4, 2017, lot 285: "D'après Antoine Watteau – Nymphe et satyre dit parfois Jupiter et Antiope / Huile sur toile, copie du tableau du Louvre / 67 x 91 cm. Estimation 50€ / 80€." Sold for € 152.
Nevers, sale, Metayer, January 31, 2021, lot 522: "Jean-Antoine WATTEAU . . . d'après. Jupiter et Antiope. Huile sur toile. H 67 cm L91 cm, une restauration."
The identical or almost identical dimensions of these paintings suggest that they are one and the same work. The picture is a relatively straightforward copy of the original Watteau, and because that is in the Louvre, it was easily accessible for copyists. It is just slightly smaller by a few centimeters. The major difference, of course, is that the Watteau is oval in shape whereas the copy has reverted to a traditional rectangle.
Nymphe et satyre (copy 2)
Entered August 2024
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
75 x 108 cm
Versailles, sale, Hôtel Rameau, October 23, 1966, lot 84: "WATTEAU (D'après) . . . Jupiter et Antiope. Toile rectangulaire à vue ovale, copie ancienne. 75 x 108."
Paris, sale, Hôtel Drouot (Debureaux et associés), April 7, 2010, lot 15: "WATTEAU Antoine / (D'après) / Jupiter et Antiope / Huile sur toile / Au revers en bas à droite, signé ou annoté Camoin et au dessus Avril. / H. 74,5-L. 108,5 cm / D'après la composition de dimension voisines (73,5 cm x 107,5 cm), mais de forme ovale, de l'ancienne collection Lacaze, conservée au musée du Louvre. / 1500 / 2000 €" Sold for €2,500 ($3,345 US).
The paintings offered in 1996 and 2010 probably refer to the same work, and are almost identical in measurements to the original version by Watteau. However, both are rectangular, not oval, in format.
Nymphe et satyre (copy 3)
Entered August 2024
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
64 x 91 cm
Bordeaux, Le Centre Ville Antiquités, c. 2023, Huile sur toile, D'après WATTEAU, 'Nymphe et satyre' dit 'Jupiter et Antiope', 20ème siècle, restauré. Reproduction de la peinture mythologique d'Antoine Watteau. Original peinte entre 1712 et 1714 au Musée du Louvre. 64 x 91 cm. Signé en bas à droite. . . . Prix: 980 €.
The so-called signature on this picture is not meaningful, especially since Watteau never signed his paintings.
Nymphe et satyre (copy 4)
Entered August 2024
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
39 x 56 cm
Paris, sale, Millon, May 11, 2023, lot 26/410: "Ecole FRANÇAISE DU XIXème siècle, d'après WATTEAU / Nymphe et satyre, dit parfois Jupiter et Antiope. Huile sur toile / 39 x 56 cm. A rapprocher du tableau de Jean-Antoine WATTEAU exposé au Musée du Louvre. Estimation 600€ – 800€."
Without a photograph of the full painting, little can be said. This copy is noticeably small in scale.
Nymphe et satyre (copy 5)
Entered August 2024
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
81 x 99.5 cm
Jupiter découvrant Antiope
Paris, sale, Hôtel Drouot (G. Delettrez, Rodrigues, Schoeller, Lepic), June 14, 1995, lot 41: "JUPITER DÉCOUVRANT ANTIOPE. Huile sur toile, signée en bas à droite. Circa 1915-1916. 81 x 99.5 / 45.000 / 46,000 / Interprétation de l'oeuvre de Wateau."
Somewhat smaller than Watteau's original painting, this copy bears a so-called signature. That does nothing to boost any claim for authenticity since, after all, Watteau never signed his paintings. It is not aqpparent why the picture was dated so precisely unless this was part of the signature.
Nymphe et satyre (copy 6)
Entered August 2024
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on panel
20 x 26 cm
Fléac (Poitou-Charentes), Jean Jack Lenestour, sale via e-bay, February 2018, : "Nymphe et satyre, dit aussi Jupiter et Antiope d'après Watteau / dans un cadre ovale (bois plâtre doré) cadre repeint petit manque au dos / l'ensemble est en bon état / Dim du cadre 43 cm X 37 cm épaiseur 6,5 cm / Dim de la peinture 26 cm x 20 cm . . ."
This copy is a small replica of Watteau's canvas.
Nymphe et satyre (copy 7)
Entered August 2024
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
51.5 x 70.5 cm
Saint-Jean-de-la-Ruelle, sale, Le Beau du monde (Sermont et Philocale), September 23, 2023, lot 30: "École française du XIX siècle, d'après Antoine WATTEAU. Jupiter et Antiope. Huile sur toile ovale. / 51,5 x 70,5 cm / Reprise de la composition de Watteau exposée au department des Peintures du musée du Louvre / Éclats périphériques et manque sur la partie supérieure. Sans cadre. Estimation 800 € - 1200 €."
Although oval like Watteau's composition, this copy seems slightly more circular.
Nymphe et satyre (copy 8)
Entered August 2024
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
108 x 92 cm
Chalais, sale via e-bay, c. September 2021: "Imposant huile sur toile à vue ovale d'après Jean Antoine Watteau . . . Datation au dos du chassis )19 mars 1914 – Watteau -Est ce le co. . . pour marquer cette pièce juste avant la première guerre ou lors du recadrage . . .Très bon état, toile d'origine, cadre massif plus récent à fronton en bronze – 108 x 92 avec cadre / 92 x 67 Sans cadre. . . . Prix 3,960,00 EUR"
A notation on the reverse side reads "19 Mai 1914 – Watteau" but what it signifies is unclear. Presumably, it helps substantiate the painting's existence before World War I. The canvas also bears the mark of an art supplies store: "Blanchet 38 rue Bonaparte Paris."
Nymphe et satyre (copy 9)
Entered August 2024
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
73 x 107 cm
Venere e fauno
Rome, private collection.
Rome, sale, Babouino, February 15, 2011, lot 798: "PITTORE DI MANIERA SEICENTESCA, INIZI XX SECOLO / VENERE E FAUNO / Olio su tela a sesto ovale. Cm 73 x 107 / PROVENIENZA / Collezione private romana / CONDIZIONI DEL DIPINTO / Rintelo recente. Punti e line di restauro a sinistra, piccolo zona di restauro tra i glute della Venere e il petto del fauno / CORNICE / Cornice in legno e stucchi dorati, di gusto Luigi XV a decon vegetali, della fine del XIX secolo (difetti) / € 800-1200."
When this picture was sold in 2011, it went unrecognized that it was a copy after Watteau.
Nymphe et satyre (copy 10)
Entered August 2024
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
24.1 x 27.9 cm
Une Dormeuse nue & un satyre
Paris, sale, April 18-20, 1785, lot 114: "Une dormeuse nue, & un Satyre qui la regarde: tableau estimé être de Watteau, sur toile de 9 pouces 6 lig. de haut, sur 11 pouces de large." Not sold.
Like copy 6, this picture was quite small.
Nymphe et satyre (copy 11)
Entered August 2024
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on panel
61 x 84.8 cm
Saint Brieuc (Côtes d'Armor), sale, April 27, 2024, lot 177: "WATTEAU Jean-Antoine . . . (D'après) "Nymphe et satyre" dit ausssi "Jupiter et Antiope" Huile sur panneau signée en bas à droite V Sardou (?). Quatre planches verticales. Au revers deux traverses horizontals de maintien (Lignes de junction des planches apparentes, ancien vernis encrassé, petits sauts de peinture). / Haut.: 61 cm x Larg.: 84,8 cm Est.: 400 à 700 € / D'après la composition d'Antoine Watteau de l'ancienne collection Louis La Caze conservée au musée du Louvre (M.I 1129)."
The chantouré shape of the frame indicate that this copy of Watteau's painting was probably intended as part of the boiserie decoration of a salon. The composition has been enlarged on all four sides—in the sky above, the landscape at the sides, and the area below.