


X. Fête galante    

Entered July 2020

Fig 1

Whereabouts unknown

Material unknown

Measurements unknown



This painting is known to me only through a photograph in the Service de documentation, Département de peinture, Musée du Louvre, where it is filed under Nicolas Lancret’s name. However, the picture has nothing to do with Lancret. Rather, it is a pastiche of elements derived from Watteau’s paintings.

Fig 2

Etienne Jeaurat after Watteau, Pierrot content (detail), engraving. 

Fig 3

Watteau, L’Aventurière (detail), oil on panel. Troyes, Musée des beaux-arts.

The principal source of inspiration is Watteau’s Pierrot content, not necessarily his painting, now in the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, but, rather, Etienne Jeaurat’s engraving of the picture. That supplied not only five of the principal figures but also the surprised Scapin peering out of the bushes at the right. The guitarist at the left, striking a dashing pose as he strums his guitar, was derived Watteau’s L’Aventurière, and though it is in agreement with the direction of Watteau's picture, the greater likelihood is that our pasticheur worked from the engravings in Jean de Jullienne’s Oeuvre gravé.