X. Scène galante
Entered July 2018
Whereabouts unknown
Medium unknown
29 x 34 cm
Paris, with Charles Brunner (art dealer).
Rosenberg and Prat, Watteau, catalogue raisonné des dessins (1996), 3: cat. R546, G51.
François Boucher after Watteau, engraving, Figures de différents caractères, plate 132.
This painting is known only through old photographs found in various achives, but none are annotated with information about previous provenance, etc. Created by a painter with limited talent, its format nonetheless has the sensibility of Watteau because it is directly based on a Watteau compositional drawing. The drawing has not survived but it was engraved by the young François Boucher as plate 132 of the Figures de différents caractères. The right-left direction of the painting accords with the engraving; the original Watteau drawing would have been in the opposite direction.