Camp volant (copy 1)
Entered March 2017
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on panel
39 x 47 cm
Soldiers and Their Families at a Camp
Zurich, Konta collection, c. 1977.
Paris, Musée de la monnaie, Pèlerinage (1977) cat. 175 (École française du XVIIIe, Camp volant, lent by a Swiss private collection).
Washington, Paris, Berlin, Watteau 1684-1721 (1984), under cat. P6.
This copy follows the direction of Watteau’s original painting and not the Cochin engraving. Likewise, its color scheme essentially follows Watteau’s. Taken together, these correspondences suggest that the Konta copy was made directly from Watteau’s painting, perhaps even in the eighteenth century. The gnarled tree trunk at the right corresponds to the one seen in the Cochin engraving, rather than to the tree presently found in the Moscow painting. On the other hand, the distant tree at the left is the copyist's invention.
The pendant to this picture is a copy of L’Alte.
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Camp volant (copy 2)
Entered March 2017
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
37 x 46 cm
Paris, sale, Hôtel Drouot, April 27, 1931, lot 49: “ÉCOLE FRANÇAISE (XVIIIe siècle) . . . Le campement. Le repos. Deux toiles faisants pendants. Cadres en bois sculpté, doré et ajouré. Décor d’écussons de coquilles, branchages feuillagés et quadrillés. Epoque Régence, Haut., 0 m 35; Larg., 0 m 44.”
Paris, collection of Madame de B. Her sale, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, May 17, 1971, cat. 15: “WATTEAU (Dans le goût de) / ‘Bivouac’ / Huile sur toile, cm. 37 x 46.”
Washington, Paris, Berlin, Watteau 1684-1721 (1984), under cat. P.6.
This painting is of approximately the same size and in the same direction as Watteau’s autograph version. However, the trees do not follow either the Moscow painting or Cochin’s engraving. Their silhouettes are unlike trees in other Watteau paintings.
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Camp volant (copy 3)
Entered March 2017
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
49.5 x 62.5 cm
Infantry Bivouacking
United Kingdom, Collection of Charles Peregrine Heathcote Drummond Willoughby (1905-1965).
Sale, London, auction house and date unknown, lot 11: “Follower of Jean Antoine Watteau / Infantry on the March; and Infantry bivouacking / 19½ x 24in (49.5 x 61 cm.) a pair (2) / PROVENANCE: Peregrine H. Drummond Willoughby / The compositions follow prints after Watteau / £ 6,000-8,000.”
Sale, Rouen, Palais des congrès, November 28, 1982, cat. 45: “WATTEAU DE LILLE Louis-Joseph (attribué à) . . . ‘UN CAMPEMENT MILITAIRE’ / Huile sur toile, une signature L. Watteau vers la droite. Haut. 0,495 – Larg. 0,625 (restaurations). (certificat de R. Lebel). Il s’agit de la composition inverse du tableau de jeunesse d’Antoine Watteau intitulé ‘Camp volant’, conservé au musée de l’Ermitage.”
Washington, Paris, Berlin, Watteau 1684-1721 (1984), under cat. P6.
We have tentatively linked the pair of paintings sold in London at an unknown date and the one sold in Rouen in 1982. There are two compelling reasons: both copy the Cochin engravings, and are unusually large, larger than Watteau’s original composition and the other many copies. For this association to be true, the London sale should have taken place before the 1982 sale in Rouen. At the London sale, the pendants were together but, by the time of the 1982 sale, they had been separated.
This painting would seem to be the one wrongly attributed to Louis Joseph Watteau (1731-1798; known as “Watteau de Lille”) that was referred to by Rosenberg in 1984. In fact, it is falsely signed “L. Watteau.” Rosenberg described it as having the motifs from Camp volant of the mother and child, and also the soldier placing wood under the cauldron; however, the painting is a full copy of Watteau’s composition.
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Camp volant (copy 4)
Entered March 2017
Whereabouts unknown
Materials unknown
Measurements unknown
Paris, Hôtel des ventes, rue des Jeûneurs, sale, February 27, 1847, lot 56: “WATTEAU (ANTOINE). . . . Autour d’un feu dont la flamme sert à préparer les alimens placés dans un vase suspendu à un tronc d’arbre mort, un détachement de gardes françaises se trouve disséminé dans des attitudes variées; soldats et officiers, couchés sur l’herbe, goûtent, pêle-mêle, les douceur du repos; les un jouent aux cartes, fument ou causent, le plus grand nombre visite les cantines placées sur l’arrière-plan, du côté d’une pièce d’artillerie.
Cet ouvrage, décrit dans Gault de Saint-Germain, est accompagné d’une gravure indiquant sa grandeur.”
Ce tableau, sans doute, diffère, dans quelques parties, avec la plupart de ceux connus de Watteau; il appartient à sa première époque. On y retrouve pourtant la même manière de feuiller les arbres, et cet air de galanteries et de gaîté qui fait le principal attrait de ses compositions, ainsi que le prouvent les deux charmantes figures de femmes, dont l’une allaite son enfant, faisant, avec plusieurs autres marmots et le chef de cuisine qui regarde un soldat attiser son feu, une agréable diversion à l’allure ordinaire des camps. Quant à l’exécution, sous le double rapport de la touche et du coloris, elle est parfaite comme la conservation.
Washington, Paris, Berlin, Watteau 1684-1721 (1984), under cat. P6.
Dacier, Vuaflart, and Hérold thought that this picture, which they knew only from the printed description, might have been Watteau’s autograph version. Similarly, in the 1984 exhibition catalogue, Rosenberg suggested that this picture might have been the Watteau painting that is now in Moscow.
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Camp volant (copy 5)
Entered March 2017
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on panel
0.35 x 0.45 cm
Paris, collection of Monsieur Danlos l’ainé (Éditeur du Musée impériale du Louvre). His sale, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, March 2, 1867, lot 35: “WATTEAU (ANTOINE) . . . Le Camp Volant. Une armée, dans une perspective assez profonde, se livre au repos et aux amusements des camps. Les une jouent aux cartes près d’un canon, les autres forment des groupes animés, d’autres encore sont nonchalamment couchés ou assis sur le gazon; mais autour d’une marmite suspendue au tronc d’un vieux saule, au-dessus d’un feu pétillant attisé par un soldat et près de laquelle se tient un gros cuisinier qui essuie ses mains avec son tablier, sont réunies des femmes, l’une d’elles allaitant son enfant, des petits garçons et divers groupes de soldats. Gravé par Cochin. Bois. — H. 35 c. L. 45 c.”
Sale, Paris, collection of J.V. His sale, Paris, March 19, 1877, lot 26: “Watteau (Antoine). . . Le Camp Volant, Une Armée, dans une perspective assez profonde, se livre au repos et aux amusements des camps; les uns jouent aux cartes près d’un canon, les autres forment des groups animés, d’autres encore sont nonchalamment couchés ou assis sur le gazon. Autour d’une marmite, suspendue au tronc d’un vieux arbre, au-dessus d’un feu pétillant attisé par un soldat, et près de la quelle se tient un gros cuisinier, sont réunies des femmes dont l’une allaite son enfant, des petits garçons et divers groupes de soldats.”
Dacier, Vuaflart, and Hérold, Jean de Jullienne et les graveurs (1921-29), under cat. 148.
The close correspondences between the descriptions in the 1867 and 1877 sale catalogues make it likely that these sales were of one and the same picture. It is possible that this copy is to the same as the picture that came up for sale in London at Christie’s in 2004 (our copy 7). Both have comparable dimensions, are on panel, and do not have any pendant.
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Camp volant (copy 6)
Entered March 2017
Whereabouts unknown
Materials unknown
Measurements unknown
Sale, London, Christie’s, May 19, 1893, lot 136: “WATTEAU. . . . CAMP VOLANT – a pair; and an engraving, by Cochin 3 [items in the lot].”
Curiously, the 1893 auction did not mention what the pendant painting was. Presumably, but not necessarily, it was a copy after Retour de campagne.
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Camp volant (copy 7)
Entered March 2017
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on panel
34 x 43.8 cm
London, Christie’s South Kensington, October 29, 2004, lot 121: “AFTER ANTOINE WATTEAU / Le camp volant / oil on panel / 13 3/8 x 17 ¼ in. (34 x 43.8 cm.) / in a French 18th Century carved and gilded frame / Estimate £4,000-6,000 US$7,200-11,000 / €5,900-8,800 / After the painting in the Pushkin Museum.“ Bought in.
This copy after Le Camp volant, like some of the others, accords with the direction of Watteau’s original painting, and not the Cochin engraving. It is possible that this copy is the same as the picture that came up for sale in Paris in 1867 and 1877 (our copy 5). The three have comparable dimensions, are on panel, and have no pendant.
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Camp volant (copy 8)
Entered September 2020
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
38 x 46.5 cm
Paris, sale, Artcurial, September 29, 2020, lot 345: Ecole française du XIXe siècle / D’après Antoine Watteau / ‘Camp volant’ / Huile sur toile / annotée ‘Watteau’ sur le chassis au verso / Hauteur: 38 Largeur 46,50 cm / Commentaire: Notre tableau est la reprise d’après la gravure d’une composition d’Antoine Watteau conservée à Moscou, au musée Pouchkine. Estimation 1 500 – 2 000 €.”
This copy is indeed based on Charles Nicolas Cochin’s engraving after Watteau’s painting.
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Camp volant (copy 9)
Entered June 2021
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
38.5 x 46 cm
Paris, sale, Hôtel Drouot, October 30, 1942, collection Madame X . . . , lot 15: “WATTEAU (d’après Antoine) . . . Camp volant. Toile. Haut., 0m 385; 0m 46. Composition connue par la gravure en sens inverse, de Cochin (Daciet et Vuaflart, no 148)."
Because we have no illustration of the painting, we cannot trace it further backward or forward. But given its dimensions and that it was on canvas, it may prove to have been copy 2 or 8 as listed above.
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Camp volant (copy 10)
Entered September 2021
Whereabouts unknown
Oil on canvas
51 x 65 cm
Rudolstadt, Germany, sale, March 7, 2020, Auktionshaus Wendl, lot 3153: “Kopie nach Antoine Watteau: “Biwak” / Öl/Leinwand. Unsigniert. 19 Jh. / 51 x 65 cm. Gerahmt : 74 x 87 cm. / Seitenverkehrte Kopie nach dem Original, das wohl um 1709 enstanden ist. Leinwand doubliert.”
Rudolstadt, Germany, sale, June 27, 2020, Auktionshaus Wendl, lot 2347: “Kopie nach Antoine Watteau: “Biwak” / Öl/Leinwand. Unsigniert. 19 Jh. / 51 x 65 cm. Gerahmt : 74 x 87 cm. / Seitenverkehrte Kopie nach dem Original, das wohl um 1709 enstanden ist. Leinwand doubliert.”
Barely discernable in the dark photograph, this painting is not after Watteau’s original painting but, rather, was copied from Cochin’s engraving.